The system of education in India


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In India we have literacy rate of 81.3% according to 2020 census. But after independence we didn’t get a nobel origin in science, U.S got 100+. If we will talk about sports we got 28 medals in the Olympic so far. China produced 100 in 2008 alone. But we have very high rate of students committing suicide, and very high number of unemployment. For example the number of engineers produced annually is relatively high because very high number of engineering colleges in India. And most of them are unemployed due to poor quality of education, poor communication skills. So what is the main problem, where we are lacking?

History of Indian education system

Takshila (currently in Pakistan ) was the earliest recorded centre of higher learning in India from possibly 8th century BCE. In contrast Nalanda was the oldest university-system of education in the world in the modern sense of university. But all subject taught were in Ariano-pali language. There were many monasteries, temples - provided religious study. Students were required to be brahacaris or celibates. The knowledge I these order were often related to the tasks a section of the society had to perform. The priest class, the sammanas, were imparted knowledge of religion, philosophy, and other ancillary branches while the warrior class, the Kshatriya, were trained in the various aspects of warfare. The business class, the vaishaya, were taught their trade and the working class of the Shudras was generally deprived of educational advantages.

 Macaulayism of education in India

In the 18th century, England when the industrial revolution was at peak. They need educated people to work in their factories. But at that time India was very diverse having so many language, literacy rate was very low. They need skilled employee. So they turned to this one old man Thomas Babington Macaulay, British historian. A genius man of IQ estimated 180-182. He came to India to analysis the situation and create an education system so that everything can be done in a manner. He went back to England and on February 2, 1835, he circulated Minute on Education, a treatise that offered definitive reasons for why the East India Company and British government should spend money on the provision of English language education, as well as the promotion of European learning, especially the , mathematics, technology , Engineering, sciences, in India. In his speech he quoted that It is, I believe, no exaggeration to say that all the historical information which has been collected from all the books written in the Sanskrit language is less valuable that may be found in the most paltry abridgments used at preparatory schools in England.  Many people opposed him, but in the end English Education Act of 1835 was passed. So from then primary education is in English. According to the Macaulay- education should be utilitarian (designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive). At that back East India Company needed clerk who can sit on a desk do what they said without being much creative. Is it sound familiar? This is what system of education in India looks like.

Problems in the current system of education in India

1. Outdated study syllabus- if you compare anything with the syllabus, it feels outdated. Just think once we are studying the same things from the last many years there is very less or minute change in the syllabus. In the developing world everything is changing with a great speed but not our syllabus. We still need to learn and answer the questions like where is Lilliput?( Gulliver’s Travels).

2. Less approach toward practical use – in our schools or even in college most of the focus is on theoretical approach or else we can say how better we can memorize things and for how long. The concept of understanding is missing here. Due to this when the students face a real problem in their life they don’t know how to deal with it.

3. Only marks matter- it’s not like that I am saying marks don’t matters. It does matter but when you get them by understanding the concept not by rote learning. There are so many examples. Who did excellent without having good grades.

4. Focus only on studies- everyone wants their child to be a doctor, lawyer or engineer. For this they force the child to study more. This thing creates pressure on the students. And when the child failed to achieve that goal he/she goes under complete breakdown or in depression.

5. Unskilled teachers- teaching comes under very novel profession. Teachers are like second parents of the students. But there are few teachers who are not able to do this job well. Only matter for them is money.

6. Negligence to arts, sports and other creative subject- in our system we give very less importance to these things because we think these things are not very important. But we need to understand every student is different. Everyone have different abilities.

Medical approach toward the system of education of India

Source of Creativity in the Brain | Neuro News & Cosmo Clues

image source- Google| published by- Neuro news & cosmo clues

As we all know our brain is made up off 2 hemisphere, left and right. Left hemisphere of our brain is focusing on performing tasks that have to do with logic, such as in science and mathematics. While on the other hand, the right hemisphere of the brain focus on tasks that include creativity and the arts.

Now naturally, in some people right side of the brain is more dominant over left and in some left over right .But our education system do justice to the students having skills related to logics and injustice to the creative students, because system of education is only meant for half of the students.


If we think everything is done by our school or government. Then we are just blaming them, parents and students are also responsible for this. Students need to understand what he likes or what not. He don’t need to choice subjects according the fashion going at that time. Choose subjects that he actually likes. Parents need to understand every student can’t become doctor and engineers. Everyone have different interest and abilities so they need to support the talent of their children.

Educational system and government can play a very important role in solving this major problem. If our government will see the current requirements of our nation then they realize our country doesn’t need mass production of engineers and other degree holder. Getting degree is not enough we need new ideas, creative students having a different vision, students having entrepreneurship skills.

Our government can take inspiration from other countries education system like Germany, Singapore, Japan. They have very different education system which is very successful. For those people sitting in power, this is very easy task to do.  Just they need to made good plans and pass on and the schools need to follow this.

Educational institute need to understand the power of practical knowledge with the theoretical. They need to focus on overall development of the student. In every day if we fixed one period for the games and one period of the classes which focus on the creative side of the students. If a counseling session is done after 10th grade for choosing the correct stream for the student. Which eventually increase the grades of the student, if they study in their field of choice. These will further decrease the pressure on the students which leads them to commit suicide. In India we have highest rate of committing suicide. I wrote an complete article on this must read by clicking on that link given –

Enterprise syllabus livens up classrooms in Delhi - Civil Society ...

image source- Google| published by- civil society

The government of Delhi launched an EMC- Entrepreneurship mindset curriculum for  class 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th. In this subject there is no need of book only teacher had one to instruct them how to teach EMC. For these classes this is a zero subject which is conducted every day.

These classes focus on some key qualities for human to harbor Entrepreneurship mindset. Like mindfulness, creativity, joyfulness, curiosity, self awareness, empathy, problem solving, critical thinking, decision making- are Entrepreneurial abilities, dream big and recognize opportunities. In everyday one quality will be taught through real life applications examples as a fun activity

Yet we don’t know that is on paper only, or really something going over there. If yes, than it would be very good for the system of education on India.

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