image source- Google| published by- wikipedia
On 12 June, every year we celebrate child labour day to
enlighten the plight of child labourers issue in front of the whole world. The
International Labour organization (ILO) launched the world day against the
child labour in 2002. But still the problem is not coming on ground. It’s still
skyrocketing. According to the ILO the total child population in India in the
age group 5-14 years is around 259 million. This number is huge. I know the
number decreased by 2.6 million between 2001 and 2011. But why is it so? Why
after so many scheme the condition is still worse. Why no one is taking this is
as a problem except few people who can imagine the real picture. But before coming on the causes and solutions, we need to
know what is child labour? According to the united nation “ any work carried
out to detriment and engage children(5-14) is violation of international law
and national legislation and if the work deprives them of schooling or puts
them under dual burden of schooling and work is child labour”.
Statistics of child labour according to ILO: web1_1549907444644.jpg)
image source- Google| published by- livemint
218 million children of 5-17 year are in employment
worldwide. About 152 million are in India.
In absolute terms, almost half of child labour about 72.1
million is to be found in Africa, 62.1 million in the Asia and the Pacific,
10.7 million in the Americans, 1.2 million in the Arab states and 5.5 million
in Europe and Central Asia.
It’s means every 1 from 14 children is the victim in
Asia-pacific region.
Ratio in between is vary a lot in which boys faces a greater
risk of child labour than girls, but it
may not be true due to less reporting of the cases as most of the girls are in
domestic child labour.
Agriculture field has the highest number about 71% of cases
of child labour, which includes fishing, forestry, livestock herding and aquaculture
and comprises both subsistence and commercial farming.
17% in services, and 12% in the Industrial sector, including
Causes and factor
responsible for child labour in India:
1. Poverty- is the main reason for the high number of child
labour in India. Monetary constraints (limitation of money) and the need for
food, shelter and other survival related things drives their children in the
trap of premature labour.
2. Poor enforcement of Laws- There is laws to prevent them but because poor implementation, we find that still the children are employed in Factories.
3. Over population- this is the reason for many problems and child labour is among of them. Overpopulation create paucity (in insufficient quantity) of resources in many region where the resources is less than the number of people who use it.
4. Poor quality of schooling- Many children in the rural areas go to regional government school to get education. But due to insufficiency of good teacher, education they passed out without having proper or no skills. They will not get jobs. And the picture remains same. I already wrote a complete article about it much check by clicking on the link given here-
5. Illiteracy of parents- they think more hands for the work will bring more hands for work will bring more income in the family. But they don’t realize the facts that these children having hands have a stomach too. So and putting their child in work also means taking him away from studies and crushing their opportunities to get out this economical state.
6. Caste system plays a major role- social cultural factors is one of main region. Children from the lower castes, tribal and minorities are forced to work. And in most of the part of our countries it is going with a full swing.
7. Poor infrastructure of education- in many areas of the countries there is no proper school building, furniture, faculty etc. In many school there is not even a blackboard, in some no availability of books. From the total money pass by the government for the government educational system about 97% is used to give salary to the teachers and about 3% or less is used in infrastructure. So the parents instead of sending them to the school, ask them to earn something.
8. Orphan and children with disabilities- these children need to earn money for their survival so they opt. to work.
9. Child trafficking- - this is another major factor responsible for child labour in India. Children from the poor, natural calamities, from other weaker section of the society or even kidnapped and smuggle to various parts of the counties where there is need of them. Many of them are sent to factories. Used for begging and sexually abused.
2. Poor enforcement of Laws- There is laws to prevent them but because poor implementation, we find that still the children are employed in Factories.
3. Over population- this is the reason for many problems and child labour is among of them. Overpopulation create paucity (in insufficient quantity) of resources in many region where the resources is less than the number of people who use it.
4. Poor quality of schooling- Many children in the rural areas go to regional government school to get education. But due to insufficiency of good teacher, education they passed out without having proper or no skills. They will not get jobs. And the picture remains same. I already wrote a complete article about it much check by clicking on the link given here-
5. Illiteracy of parents- they think more hands for the work will bring more hands for work will bring more income in the family. But they don’t realize the facts that these children having hands have a stomach too. So and putting their child in work also means taking him away from studies and crushing their opportunities to get out this economical state.
6. Caste system plays a major role- social cultural factors is one of main region. Children from the lower castes, tribal and minorities are forced to work. And in most of the part of our countries it is going with a full swing.
7. Poor infrastructure of education- in many areas of the countries there is no proper school building, furniture, faculty etc. In many school there is not even a blackboard, in some no availability of books. From the total money pass by the government for the government educational system about 97% is used to give salary to the teachers and about 3% or less is used in infrastructure. So the parents instead of sending them to the school, ask them to earn something.
8. Orphan and children with disabilities- these children need to earn money for their survival so they opt. to work.
9. Child trafficking- - this is another major factor responsible for child labour in India. Children from the poor, natural calamities, from other weaker section of the society or even kidnapped and smuggle to various parts of the counties where there is need of them. Many of them are sent to factories. Used for begging and sexually abused.
What is our government doing to stop this?
image source- Google| published by- pixabay
- Child Labour Project Scheme (NCLP)
- Santosh kumar Gangwar, Union minister of state(IC) for Labour and employment, informed Lok Sabha that about 1,44,783 child labourers rescued, rehabilitated till 2019 under National Child Labour Project Scheme. He also said government is following statergy for elimination of child labour completely, which is an outcome of various social-economic problems such as poverty, economic backwardness and illiteracy.
- Child Labour(prohibition & Regulation) Amendment Act, 2016- is the new act. The government has amended the older Child Labour(prohibition & Regulation) Act,1986. Under this act children below 14 years are not allow to work in all occupations and processes. And it also prohibits the employment of adolescent (14-18 years) in hazardous occupations and processes.
- Under the NCLP, children in the age group of 9-14 years are rescued / withdrawn from work and enrolled in the NCLP special Training center, where they get bridge education, vocational training, mid-day meal, stipend, health care, etc. before being mainstreamed into formal education system. It is not sent directly because the child will not match the level of the other students.
- Children of age 5-8 years are directly linked to the formal education system a close coordination with the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)
- The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)- dream project of the Atal bihari Vajpayee government, was launched in 2001 to provide free and compulsory education to Children education to children between 6-14 years.
- Government also launched Platform for effective Enforcement for no child Labour (Pencil) portal in 2017 - So that if you saw any child worker below 14 or adolescent in hazardous processes can easily report against it and action be taken.
- The 86th Amendment to the constitution, 2002- aims to provide free and compulsory education to children of age group 6-14.
- National Commission For Projection of Child Rights (NCPCR) was again an another big move which work under the aegis of the women and child development ministry.
As you can see there is so many schemes launched by the
government of INDIA. But still the condition is not in our hands. There are
several ways to resolve this problem like proper implementation of the rules.
Majority of us don’t take this problem seriously. We can pressurize the
government and people, factories to follow the guideline given in the
constitution. Make strict laws to punish who break an try to mould the laws
just for their own sake.
Government can empower Panchayati Raj institution towards
prevention of child labour in their jurisdictions, as well former child labour.
As 71% child labour work in agriculture field it will directly helps many of
Proper counseling of parents can be done. Awareness
building-programmes should be conducted. So that on large scale people can
understand the ill effects of child labour.
Industrial areas can play an important role. They can make
the environment smooth and hazardous free for young worker. And the young
worker should also aware of their own right.
We need to understand the importance of the dreams of these
young beautiful lives. These children will become the future of our country. So
we are intentionally throwing our future in dark. Pencil is a very good
platform to address this problem. But still number of cases reported till 2019
in Pencil is around 1000. And we all know the number is far bigger than this.
It’s just we don’t pay much attention towards them.
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