Depression- a social stigma in India

Depression | Letter blocks assembled to speel the word "depr… | Flickr
Let’s talk on the most important and ignored topic of our society “Depression”. According to a survey depression is the main psychiatric disorder in India. As we all know that what is going in the whole world, Corona pandemic. Everyone is locked themselves inside. Most of us are frustrated. We don’t know how long it will take. We all are focusing on our physical health and very few of us are concerned about the mental health. In recent days a news came about Sushant Singh Rajput . And this topic suddenly highlighted. Sushant was a phenomenal artist. He was very talented. He had money, a family, friends but due to persistent stress and several other factors. He decided to suicide. So we can understand how important is to take care of our mental state and most importantly recognizing other’s condition. So we can help them. But before knowing the symptoms we need to understand what is depression? According to WHO- Depression is a common mental disorder that present with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, and poor concentration.  So as we see depression is not like fever and cold. It’s different so it need different methods to take care other then medication.
Symptoms of depression:
-          Mostly depression come with anxiety
  1. Persistent and pervasive sadness 
  2.  Loss of  self worth or having a felling of excessive guilt
 3.  Physical weakness, loss of appetite. But in rare cases there will be increase in appetite and due to this the person start gaining weight.
 4. Loss of concentration if you are student it will affect your study
  5. Sleep abnormalities- in depression you will wake early than your regular time 
 6.   Most important thoughts of having suicide, or harming our self
IF the symptoms persist 2 or more week than the person may be suffering from depression. And urgent medical help required.
It is noted that mostly these symptoms comes after something bad happened in life but a person may also have these symptom without any problem.
 Mostly 3 co-factors are responsible
1.  Biological factor- hereditary following of the depression
-          Low level of hormones like dopamine, serotonin, nor-epinephrine.
          2.  Psychological factor- Individuals are affected by outside events differently. Each person’s thoughts       determine how he or she will experience life, which can affect whether or not they become                     depressed. Like if the person have very positive outlook he or she will feed low for some time but           not fell depress than the person having negative. And the way we think about things and view the            world often emerges in childhood.
      3. Environmental factors- depression can often be triggered by very stressful life situations or other         factor such as;
                  A divorce, the death of a loved ones, by high expectation.
           - Stressful workplace or demanding work
-                 -Health issues
-          - Period of relationship conflicts, whether martial or family related
-                -  By changing priorities- suppose you are in a close relation with someone and suddenly the other                                                    person changes his/her priorities.
Types of depression:
In medical books depression is divided in various types
 1.  Major depression- also called as Major depressive disorder, clinical depression, unipolar depression      or simple depression. It involves low mood/loss of interest in normal activities. The person will              experience these symptoms for about more than 2 weeks
Depression can further divided into mild. Moderate or severe;
-        -  Melancholic-term used for sever form of depression with having many symptoms. One of the major       changes is that the person starts to move more slowly.
-         - Psychotic depression- sometimes people with depression imagining things which are not real. The         start hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there) or delusions (false beliefs that aren’t         shared by other), believe that they are being watched or followed or they are bad, evil.
-          - Post partum/ postnatal depression- mother experience depression during pregnancy or after the baby     birth or within 1st year after pregnancy. In medical term we use to refer this as ‘baby blues’ which is common condition related to hormonal changes or due to new experience but this is totally different  from real depression. More simply we can say it is a stressful condition. About 80 % will suffer from baby blues or about 10% suffer from real depression which eventually affects the bond between baby and mother.
 2  Most important Bipolar disorder- because the mood of person will keep changing the will feel mania (opposite of depression) at one moment and severe depression at another moment.
Bipolar disorder seems to be closely related to family history. Stress and conflicts can trigger episodes for people with this condition and it’s not uncommon for bipolar to be misjudged as depression, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) or schizophrenia 
3. Cyclothymic disorder- is often described as milder form of bipolar disorder. Basically the duration of mania and depression is reduced
4.  Dysthymic disorder- the symptoms are like other major depression but are less severe.
5. Seasonal affective disorder [SAD]- it has seasonal pattern. The cause is unclear. But it is thought that it is related to light exposure. It is like that depression which was started in summer, ends when winter arrives.
Depression in India:
depression, anxiety, stress, sadness, pain, mental, unhappy ...
According to the WHO report 2018 India is the most depressed country in the world followed by China and U.S. From the population of 135 crore about 6.5 % people are suffering from some form of mental illness. The number is around 8.5 crore, in which about 5 crore suffer from depression and rest of 3 crore suffer from anxiety disorder including panic attacks phobias, post traumatic stress disorder, obsessive- compulsive disorder. According to the WHO around 21 people are committing suicide per 1 lakh people. We have highest teenage suicide globally. The rate of suicide in 2019 has increased by 52% from what it is in 2007. And the economically loss due to mental health in between 2012-2020 is around 1.03 trillion dollars. According to the National Mental Health Survey,2016 “70%- 92% of those in need of mental health care failed to receive any treatment”. According to WHO in India for every 10 lakh people only 3 psychiatrists, 0.7 psychologists, 0.7 social workers. While in other common wealth countries for every 10 lakh people  there are 5.6 psychiatrists, if we compare this to developed countries than the number goes to 66 per 10 lakh people.
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In our society mental health doesn’t hold that importance that other health related problems do. It is like stigma of weakness or taboo of being called as mad. India spends 0.16% of the total union health budget on mental health, which is even less than that of Bangladesh which spend about 0.44%. "Man presan h to tan presan h"
Solution is simple we should spread awareness about the mental health. Government can come with the policies where they can actually on a practical basis create this awareness by media. So that people could get rid of that fear of being called mad.
Educational institute plays an important role in solving the problem students spend most of their time in school.  As a sports teacher is necessary in every school, mental health worker is necessary too. Because from the pressure students are going through is extremely high. The Pressure of performance. Teacher can console them. They can talk to them because talking to the children is the biggest remedy. If you have doubt that the person is going to commit suicide then go and talk to them about the thought of committing suicide. According to the researches talking about the thoughts of suicide eventually reduces the chances of committing suicide by that person. If you think you need medical support go and consult a doctor. There are several ways to treat them according to the severity. In rural areas government can employee mental health worker with every Anganwadi workers.
Today’s time is very crucial. We all are locked inside, isolated and frustrated. This is the time where we not only focus on our personal health but on other’s too. Go talk to them, try to spend some time with them. Your little efforts can save someone’s life.
Most important learn how to say no:
Feeling overwhelmed can worsen anxiety and depression symptoms. Setting boundaries in you professional and personal  can help you better.
Need to take care of your self :
Sometime depression doesn't respond to medication . You can improve your condition by ignoring negative people around , do what gave you happiness. Some other treatment options may also help-  Electroconvulsive therapy( ECT) or repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) 
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